Pig Race Night
Auntie Cheryl |
Pig Race- Frank |
Helen and Vicar David |
Capturing the Crowd |
Rona and Vicar David |
Wendy and Friends |
Rona |
I've been sent some photos of the night to share with everyone!!!! If I'm reading the email correctly, the night raised a successful £2,000!!!! Well done!!!! Sounded like a wonderful turnout and I hear everyone is asking when the next one is!!!!
For those in the US who are wondering what this is for, a group in the UK was formed by friends and family to help raise funds to pay for Tom's medical bills. They can also be found on facebook under The Tom Walshaw Medical Fund Appeal. They've had various fundraisers and these are pictures from the most recent "pig race" fundraiser. Wind up pigs were "purchased" for various races and also bet on.
In other news, Wanted to extend a gigantic THANK YOU to everyone for all of the incredible support we have received. We more sincerely mean it when we say we couldn't do it without you!!!! Thank you SO much, for either sharing our link , donating to us, donating to the fundraiser they'll be doing here in Corning in a few weeks, and to those who've sent us encouraging/informative emails! Thank you so much!!! Please, keep sharing and spreading the word!
For more information about the Corning fundraiser, please visit: www.helptomandlaura.com Also, if you would like to donate to the fundraiser via money, gift basket, gift certificates, etc. Please feel free to contact me and I will definitely put you in touch with the lady in charge, my awesome friend Leslie.
Currently, we are just awaiting a final decision tomorrow night by the fire hall as far as a venue and date goes, but planned in the works are a dinner, silent auction, and raffle. I will make sure to keep everyone posted via the blog so that you can find out how to attend or assist. :) This fundraiser also has a facebook group and it can be found by searching Fundraiser Planning for Tom and Laura Walshaw.
Again, thank you! We are so lucky and blessed to have such amazing people around us and even people who don't even know us, but are willing to help us out. We have been so humbled by everyone's willingness to give in one form or another.
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