Monday, October 29, 2012

Light the Night Walk

Saturday night was the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Greater Sacramento's Light the Night walk.  Great success, I think!

For starters, we had about 30 people for our team come to the walk, which was fantastic!  Our neighbor who has a bbq smoker and caters for a living, catered a bbq for us on the house... because they're just that awesome! It was super  delicious!  We raised over $2400 and funds that were turned in that night haven't yet been recorded so good job Team Decimate!!!!!!!

Apologies for the lack of quality in the photos... our camera battery wasn't well enough for a flash and we asked a stranger to take the group ones.  Was really hoping for a team photo with the capitol building in the background, but it wouldn't work. Anyway, below are some photos, starting with Tom's dedication page in the Remembrance Tent. :)

It was a really fun event, we sadly lost a few members during the walk, but Jo, Vaughn, Louie and Kelly were definitely all present at the walk... and poor Caitlyn got sick before the walk and had to miss out, but did join us for the pre-fesitivies. :)  It was a great night and we hope to do it again next year.

THANK YOU to all of those who made it possible; by donating, walking, cooking, t-shirt making, etc.... thank you for making our team a success!

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