Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Moving... again, but hopefully last time for awhile!

Hi everyone!

So we didn't mention it in the last blog because we weren't 100% sure everything was going through, but we're moving!!!! 

Some may be aware that we were looking to buy a house when Tom was diagnosed, well given circumstances we decided to look again.  Our rental lease in Sacramento was up March 31st and was being raised an additional $200 a month! Which is crazy! Because we moved there due to the hospital making us move closer and me now working 20 miles away, we decided to move to a cheaper area, back toward Rocklin since we loved the area so much, closer to my work (and hopefully Tom's if he's released back this month), and to be making payments toward something rather than just to the property management.  

So with me leaving starbucks, my retirement fund (haha, more like a small vacation fund) was up to transfer or cash out.  We decided to take the money and run! And then with amazing timing, my worker's comp. adjuster offered to settle and pay the cost of a possible future surgery on my right hand.  We decided to be responsible adults and use it as a down payment.  So ta-da! We are moving with purpose! 

If you need our new address, let me know and I'll be sure to get it to you.  Going back to Tom being released to work, his biopsy is the 21st so the following week we should know the prognosis. If clear he gets released back to work (which I think we all would like to see... probably our wallets as well) and if not clear, he will have to find another donor and do it all over again.  Luckily, our house is within the radius that the doctor wouldn't mind should that happen. 

Speaking of doctors... we're very grateful to the UK fund who paid Tom's insurance premiums up and his ambulance ride!  The insurance is over $300 a month so that is a tremendous help and we don't have to worry about him not being covered.  Thank you for all that you do! Hopefully someday we will be able to do the same for someone else in our situation.  

In other news, continued prayers please for Nico's wife and family.  Nico is the friend with the same diagnosis who recently passed away. His service is next weekend. Also, please continue prayers for Tom's grandfather's return to good health so he can return home from the hospital.

Side small world moment- When getting internet installed at the new place, Tom realized another friend Lisimba from our cancer-surviving-circle worked for the same company.  Well, he asked the technician if he knew him and the guys said yes and called him up and had Tom talk to him! He will be in remission two years this summer!!! He and his wife are amazing and now we'll be living even closer to them! Zenzele, do I see a wine and cheese night in the future???? Ps. Your husband volunteered to help move this weekend ;)

Thanks again everyone for all of your love and support and everything you do to keep us going and spirits up! Hopefully our next post is shouting about Tom being cleared!