Well we've been busy bees I suppose! Tom has been doing really well, he finished his treatments and his back recovered well. A couple weeks ago he had his weekly appointment and was told he could go three weeks until seeing the doctor again, so we'll see what kind of results that yields this coming Wednesday. Fingers crossed for good ones!
To fill his time he's begun volunteering at the local Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. As mentioned before, Tom is one of the honored heroes this year for their big fundraising walk in October, Light the Night. Since he began volunteering he's also been asked to be the volunteer coordinator!!! So mark your calendars for October 26th and join us at the walk!!!! You can join our team or donate to our team at the following link: Team Decimate. We know so many of you helped us throughout this last year and so please don't feel pressured to donate. Also there are many other ways to partake such as joining us for the walk or passing on the link to others!
Last year we had shirts made which you can feel free to wear again this year (one of the reasons we decided to keep the same team name) and we also had a bbq before hand. Or please feel free to wear your Team Tom shirts!!!! This year I'd really like to get everyone there for the pre-festivities and to see Tom in his role as honored hero. I'm hoping we can get as many people registered and involved as possible and really celebrate Tom and what he's conquered this year! A month later is his remission anniversary so perhaps we could celebrate that the same day.
So that's what Tom's been up to, that and keeping the house in order, cooking delicious meals, taking care of Izzy... doing his best to keep busy. I've just been working. The last blog posted I hadn't started my new job, but now it's been over a month and I'm loving it! It's fantastic to be in such a supportive environment and doing something in my field (child development).
Fun things we've been up to: We went to Santa Cruz last weekend to meet up with Hannah and Michael (Tom's cousin and her husband) who were out on their honeymoon from England. Tomorrow we're going clay pigeon shooting (my first time... I'll be sure to post photos), I participated in the Color Run Sacramento 5k with Alyse and that was a lot of fun! Can't wait to do that next year! We have some company coming out this coming week! Helen and David will be arriving next week and after picking up David we're off to San Luis Obispo for the three day weekend (my b-day weekend) to see Oliver and Jess! So we're excited about that! The following weekend Tom is actually in a wedding!!! We'll be off to San Francisco area where Tom is a groomsman in Bo and Jamie's wedding!
As you can see, it's been a bit busy and luckily easy going for Tom so I apologize to those who wait and follow the blog, I've been a neglectful poster.
Hope everyone else is doing really well!!!! :)