Friday, July 12, 2013

As the Year Mark Soon Approaches 07.12.13

Hey all!

So today is the 12th of July which means we have a few big dates fast approaching.  Number one, our second wedding anniversary is next week (the 16th)! The week after is Tom's 1 year mark from being diagnosed with leukemia (the 25th).  Oddly enough, that is also the day he has scheduled his last chemo treatment!!!!!!!  His intrathecal (spinal tap) chemos have been wreaking havoc for him in terms of headaches and nausea, so it'll be sort of the perfect day to wrap everything up and be done!

It's been one heck of a year for sure but we have a lot to be grateful for many many many THANKS to EVERYONE for the love and support and continual prayers, the care packages, the donations, the phone calls, cards, everything... THANK YOU!!!!!  It feels like it's been a decade of a journey and at the same time a flash before the eyes. Tom is doing so well and the doctor still seems pleased with him.  Again, apparently the six month mark is the big one for Tom to get past, but all is anticipated to go smoothly (knock on wood).

So what else are we up to?  Well Tom is hoping to start volunteering for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and assist with the Light the Night fundraiser that he's one of the honored heroes of this year. That said, expect to be hearing more about that as the event nears in October.  He's also taken to doing a lot of cooking/baking inspired by Gordon Ramsay so as part of his anniversary gift I got him a couple of the Chef's cookbooks.  Okay, you may have seen through my plan!  I'll be also benefiting greatly in this new found hobby when I come home from a day of work to a Ramsay inspired dinner. That's right, home from work, I've got a job!!!! 

I've officially resigned from Starbucks and in an odd turn of events this week (of which I won't bore you with the details) I went to an interview and came away with a different job entirely, but a winner!  I was (not sure if I mentioned this or not but just in case I did) going to start a job as an in-home therapist for children with autism this coming Monday.  Well, that job was very part-time, nights and weekend hours, unpredictable hours and money, etc. but could have evolved into something.  Wednesday's interview ended up in an offer for a position that's full time m-f, 8-5 sort of thing, benefits, etc. It's doing pretty much what I did as an intern in Chico so I'll be comfortable in doing it.  I'll be working with in-home daycare providers to better the care, etc. I'll spare you the boring details.  So that's what I've ended up with.  Monday I have orientation and Tuesday I start!

In other more delightful and fun news, we got to have a visit with Alyse and baby Quinn today!  We met up for a coffee date/tasting like old times at Starbucks.

 We're making sure she understands coffee tasting basics early on! 
She was giving Tom a run for his money in strength!
The Cool Kids

Team UK

The 19th of this month is the Endurance Cycle Race and I'm told volunteers to cycle are still needed. Click here for details on the event and whom to contact if interested.
Unit 27, Kingsgate CentreHD1 2QB Huddersfield  

Time: Starting July 19th at 9am and going until July 20th at 2:00am so check your calendars! 
Part of the funds raised will also be benefiting the children's leukemia fund as well. 

So that's it in a nutshell!!! We're doing well over here and things seem to finally be making their way slowly back to normality! 
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!